Django has many advantages and disadvantages. However, this framework is the best for a project with a high speed and deadline.
7 Examples Of Real Django Projects
Imagine how much higher your chances of making your project successful are if you apply market leaders’ practices. But for this, you need to be familiar with them. This material contains examples of websites built with Django, which show how this framework is used in various industries.
How Django Works
Django is a free framework for developing fast, secure web applications and sites in Python. Like any other framework, Django is a software platform on which the developer “hangs” additional application components, for example:
- User interface;
- Scripts (scenarios) of the application/site elements;
- Program libraries;
- Multimedia content (photo, video, audio);
- Security modules;
- Databases, etc.
The framework is responsible for the essential aspects of the product’s operation. And plug-in (replaceable) modules — for specific functions of a particular application. The use of frameworks allows:
- Speed up development;
- Simplify support;
- Avoid errors in the operation of the application.
Youtube today is needed by almost everyone who wants to start their independent income in the network. That’s how things are today. Initially, the service was written in PHP, but then (at an early stage of project development), a choice was made in favor of Python.
Several programming languages are used here: Python (the most common), Java, C#, MySQL, GO, and other rarely used languages. At the same time, each is needed for a specific purpose. For example, C# – video conversion, Python (Django) – authorization and processing of other user actions, etc.
Google Search
Google Search Console (GSC) is a free web service for adding, checking the indexation status, and further optimizing the site. The service helps promotion on the Internet by providing the webmaster, administrator, application developer, or resource owner with answers to many vital questions:
- Which search queries attract more visitors and can bring the site to the top of Google;
- What third-party resources contain links to the promoted website;
- Whether information about goods, contact data, bonus offers, etc., is present in the extended search results;
- How effective is the promotion of the site for mobile search?
The Google Search service has proven itself as a convenient and easy-to-use tool for complex website promotion. You will quickly learn how the semantic core behaves, what keys ensure consistently high traffic, what position and appearance the site has in the search results, what errors appear in the display of structured data, etc.
The Google Search Console environment allows you to open access to the site for search robots, monitor (remove) malicious software and spam, optimize the semantic core and HTML tags, add new and delete unnecessary pages from the index, etc. Its famous search robots are written in Python (Django).
With more than one billion active users per month, publishing more than 500 million stories daily, and uploading more than 100 million photos daily, Instagram needs to ensure maximum efficiency so that the platform can scale smoothly without compromising quality. Django helps them cope with this. Instagram has the largest Django deployment in the world.
Anyone who carefully follows the news will undoubtedly come across numerous mentions of Reddit – a giant rapidly gaining popularity from year to year. Reddit is a social news site that was once created to find and share links to news, articles conveniently, and just exciting content.
But over time, the portal has grown, and now it is, in fact, a platform for conversations, that is, a forum, an image board, and so on. Links and their discussions remain an essential part of the platform. Users can publish different posts, comment on them and rate others’ posts. Most of the site is made using Python.
Pinterest is a lifestyle magazine where you can create your thematic boards and share them with friends, family, and strangers. A convenient and understandable interface makes it easy to find ideas for inspiration, down to minor details, and to visualize their implementation. Django helps the site work regardless of the vast number of users and rich functionality.
Spotify has many valuable functions, a pleasant design, an extensive library, and good sound quality. It is definitely worth paying attention to
Recommendations include playlists on the main page, selected based on recent activity. Sometimes you can find your favorite albums, and listen to something new but already in a familiar genre. In addition to powerful functionality, Spotify can boast a reasonably extensive library – which can be called a key criterion when choosing a streaming service. The Spotify client is apparent. It has broad functionality and works quickly due to the Django framework.
Quora is a portal where users can ask and answer questions. With activity, they get a rating that allows them to attract answers to their questions more actively. The work of Quora is effortless and intuitive, and the service is also available from mobile phones and tablets through the corresponding application.
On Quora, a high-quality answer will always be waiting for millions of users since it concerns a specific question. The platform will reward you with extensive views, comments, and upvotes coverage if you do it well. Another feature of Quora is that the published content will always be relevant and remain on the topic of the given question in the feed. Someone will likely need the answer and find yours even after a few years.
When you have an idea, it only takes a few minutes to give it shape with the help of Django. How to find a developer for a site among the many offered? What are the search criteria? How to understand that the contractor is reliable? At SECL Group, we specialize in Python/Django development and know all its nuances and subtleties. We truly appreciate these technologies and enjoy using them to develop any of your creative projects.