Worker compensation is important in every company, whether it deals with dangerous equipment or not. That is because anything could happen, so the company should ensure the employees get compensation for lost wages and injuries.
Most insurance companies offer worker compensation policies to help companies when something tragic happens. As an employee, you should know how it works and whether your company has that. Below is a detailed explanation of what to expect with workers comp.
Your Employer Pays The Insurance Premiums
Every company is required to have a workers’ compensation policy, especially when the company deals with dangerous machines and conditions. The employer is responsible for paying the insurance premiums. The employer will pay a certain percentage of money to the insurance company depending on factors like the number of employees and their work.
An Injury Is Reported
One of the important things to do after an injury is to go to a hospital and get medical attention. However, there is another equally important thing that you should do as soon as possible to be eligible for workers’ compensation. That is notifying your employer about the injury. Doing that helps the employer avail the right document to you in time so you can start your claim.
Fill Out Compensation Claim Forms
The next step is filling out the compensation claim forms. Different companies have different types of forms or documents that you need to file a compensation claim, but in most of them, the employer will be the one to provide the forms to fill out. If you have wondered how workers comp works after you report the injury, ask your employer about it or read on to learn more.
Your Employers Forward Compensation Paperwork
Once you have filled out the necessary forms for your claim, the employer will forward the same to the insurance company. The employee’s work is to pass on your documents to the insurance company, and the decision from there on depends on the insurance company. However, ensure you have all the relevant documents to back your claim, like medical records.
Evaluation and Approval Of The Claim By Insurance Company
The insurance company uses different criteria to determine who deserves the compensation. Even so, the documents you present to the company are what will break or make your case. The best way to ensure that you get the compensation approval is to have all the evidence of the injury and be able to show how your workplace is responsible for the injury.
In some cases, the employee could hire a lawyer and take the matter to court, but in most cases, it is resolved out of court.
Payment Of The Compensation
The insurance company will pay you the money they think you deserve. You can decide to accept or fight it in court if unsatisfied. You also decide whether you want the money in a lump sum or create a payment structure with the insurance company.
The important aspect of worker comp is the reporting and filing of the claim. The medical records and evidence to show it happened at work will help you build your case. We hope this article opens your eyes to how workers comp works and that you will know what to do the next time you get injured at work.